H (Her Heavy Hands)
E (Evoked Epic Earthquakes)
R (Riot Ravishing Rosebuds)
100x150cm, flag fabric, 2023
3-part flag and postcard series from the series “The Animated Alphabet”, 2017/2023 The flag series presented here is a further development of the previous poster series “The Animated Alphabet”. The series goes back to W.T. Crane’s illustrations “An Animated Alphabet”, which appeared in Harper’s Monthly Magazine in 1861, as well as artist Tom Seidmann-Freud’s illustrations from her game primer “Hurray we read!” Hurray we write!” from 1932. As in “Mint Melting Mouth”, also featured in the exhibition, Veronika Hauer’s work often deals with the communication of language and its connection to the body. The letters chosen here form the word “HER“, the individual titles expand the chain of associative terms.