123 (Necker Pyramid) 2014

Poster work. 70 x 105 cms

The drawing of the two pyramids in 1 2 3 (Necker Pyramid) follows the principle of the reversion ‘Necker Cube’, developed in 1833 by the Mathematician Louis Albert Necker. The ‘Necker Cube’ bared two perspectives of its depicted geometrical form and was used to measure the duration of human visual perception: If the beholder focused on one perspective of the cube, her eye would automatically detect the other perspective after three seconds. Having found both perspectives, the eye – after three second – automatically switched from one to the other – and back. Doubling this reversion and applying it to the pyramid, 1 2 3 (Necker Pyramid) uses the possibilities of a visual still image to trigger time and duration by incorporating a specificity of human visual perception. Counting to three. Two eyes look back at you. Asking for just a little time, so those two pyramids will start to dance (to an inaudible music).